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News & UpdatesSpring ’20 Newsletter: Clark County in Crisis – How We Continue to Serve Vulnerable Families
COPING IN THE FACE OF NEW CHALLENGES As I try to pick the right words to make sense of this time none seem adequate. It seems we are all facing unprecedented challenges. For an organization built on face-to-face interaction the directive to practice social distancing...

7 Secrets For Planning a Successful Donation Drive
Hosting a donation drive to benefit Children’s Center is a powerful (and fun!) way to give back to your local community. Your donations will help vulnerable kids and families right here in Clark County. We're here to support you and help you make your event a success!...
Program Update: Reporting Back to You After 1 Year of Partnership with DVPC
Partnership with Clark County Domestic Violence Prosecution Center Brings Mental Health Services to Abuse Survivors and Their Families In our Fall 2017 issue of The Chronicle, we told you about a new program at the Clark County Domestic...
3 Ways Your IRA Can Go Further as a Charitable Gift
You Can Reduce Taxable Income and Meet Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) with Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)They say there are only two things in life you can’t escape: death and taxes. But did you know there’s a way you can escape taxation of your IRA...
Fall ’18 Newsletter: A habit of giving keeps up strong
The haze of a long, smoky summer is finally lifted. The kids are back in school and with that, many of us are feeling a return to routine. If summer is a time of exploration, fall and winter are a chance to settle in. It’s a good time to examine the habits we want to...

Champions in the Spotlight: Meet Leann Dodge
What moved you to take action and support Children’s Center? It started when we met Matthew Butte. I was impressed with his humble approach as part of the Center’s leadership. Then, learning what they’re doing every day with kids and in the school system really...
Spring ‘18 Newsletter: Everyone Can Do Something
The world collectively marveled as athletes participating in the recent winter Olympics in Pyeongchang tested the limits of human ability. Every day at Children’s Center we marvel at the power of human ability in other ways. We’re inspired by our dedicated therapists...

How Can We Help an Anxious or Restless Child Focus on Therapy? Go Outside!
Maxine McClaskey Therapy Garden Proves Useful Tool for Treatment John Muir was on to something when he mused, “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread; places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” Recently, an 11-year-old...
New campaign offers help to start tough conversations about mental health
Let’s face it: mental health can be tough to talk about, even for those of us committed to the cause. That’s the idea behind a new “Seize the Awkward” campaign from the JED Foundation and AFSP which offers refreshingly practical tips for starting conversations about...
Your Impact in Letters: Lives touched, spirits lifted during the season of giving
Therapists Recount Stories of Thanks From Families who Received Toy Drive Donations Whenever you dig deep and give big, our therapists hear about it. Clients often express thanks and celebrate the positive impact your generosity has on their lives. Here are some of...
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Location: 13500 SE 7th Street
Vancouver, WA 98683 | Map
Telephone: (360) 699-2244
Fax: (360) 699-1900
Hours: M-Th: 8am - 7pm & Fri: 8am-1pm
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Children's Center that no person shall be subjected to discrimination in this agency. All aspects of program activities and services are administrated without regard to race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, marital status, physical disabilities, veteran status, or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory disability, which includes persons known to be HIV positive or have AIDS. Children's Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.